Create a new page, Edit page properties & add a web content (text, images and links)
1/ Edit page properties
1. To edit page properties, stay in "Page" mode. The "Page" mode is selected by default in the left menu.
2. Search the page you want to edit in the navigation tree.
3. You have then 3 possibilities to edit the page properties :
A> In the navigation tree, you need to right-click on the page you want to edit, and click on "Edit" .
B> In the navigation tree, click on the page you want to edit, then click on "Edit page properties" button at the top of the page.
C> To edit the translation page properties, click on the page of your choice in the navigation tree. Then click on the "Edit" button of the language for which you want to change properties.
Example here:We want to modify the page properties but only the Italian translation.
4.Once your properties are edited, save your content. Tuto "Save a content"