Add a Biography
1/ Create a new Biography (Author)
1. To add a Biography, choose the mode "List" by clicking the "List" button in the main menu to the left.
2. Look for the folder "Bios" (often in the folder "Stockage") and click on it.
3. In the "Biography" list, click on the "New record"button. You reach the content properties screen and have to define it.
2/ Define the properties
1. Select the language : Begin with language by "Default" before adding the translations.
2. If necessary, check the box "Hide" to hide the content.
3. and 4. If necessary, add a Google title (balise title) : if this field is empty, the Google title will be by default the same as "Title". It's the same concept for the Google Description (balise meta description) : if this field is empty, the Google description will be the same as "Résumé".
5. and 13. If you want a different visual to represent your Bio on the social networks and on Summary Picture (thumbnail), call it from the dedicated entrances. Watch Tuto "Choices of visuals for a content"
6. Enter the URL of the Linkedin profile to link the biography to the author's Linkedin page. This will appear as the visual below :
Then, indicate :
7. First name and last name of the person.
8. Her/his function in the company.
9. The company in which she works.
10. Her/his e-mail
11. Show contact form : Check the box if you want to display this person's contact form.??
12. Choose the visual of the content, it will appear in the content, and will represent it by default on the other pages.
14. Write the biography. Insert your text and / or visual(s). For more details on this part. Watch Tuto "Creation of a page"
15. If necessary, enter a "Category" for your content.
16. To finish, save your bio. Watch Tuto "Save a content"
17. If you wish, once the content is saved and closed, you can add translations to your content. Watch Tuto "Manage a translation (News)"
3/ At any time, you can
> Update your content
> Consult the history versions of your content
> Hide , Delete , Copy or Cut your content