Create a link


1/ Create a link


1. To create a link, you have to be in a text editor block before. Example : During the creation of a News, in the item "contenu (details)".

2. Then, insert your text and visual content into the dedicated space.

3. Select with your mouse one or several words on which you want to add a link. Example here : "".

4. Click on the "Link" button . You reach the content properties screen and have to define it


2/ Link : Page 

(If it does not concern you, move directly to the next stage)

This type of link redirects to a page in the navigation tree TYPO3 : 

1. If necessary, give a title to your link.

2. Target : "_blank" ???????????

3. If necessary, to open the link in another window, specify the width and the height in pixels.

4. Look and select in the navigation tree, the page towards you want to redirect the user .Once ended, pass directly at the stage 7.


3/ Link : File 

(If it does not concern you, move directly to the next stage)  

This type of link redirects to a file in the navigation tree TYPO3 : 

1. If necessary, give a title to your link.

2. Target : "_blank" ???????????

3. If needed, to open the link in another window, specify the width and the height in pixels.

4. Look and select in the navigation tree, the file towards you want to redirect the user .Once ended, pass directly at the stage 7.


4/ Link : Folder 

(If it does not concern you, move directly to the next stage)

This type of link redirects to a folder in the naviagtion tree TYPO3 : 

1.If needed, give a title to your link.

2. Target : "_blank"» ???????????

3. If necessary, to open the link in another window, specify the width and the height in pixels.

4. Look and select in the navigation tree, the folder towards you want to redirect the user .Once ended, pass directly at the stage 7.


5/ Link : External URL 

(If it does not concern you, move directly to the next stage)

This type of link redirects to a website/an external page to TYPO3 : 

1. URL : Precise the URL address of the website/page towards you want to redirect the user.

2. If needed, give a title to your link.

3. Target : "_blank" ???????????

4. If necessary, to open the link in another window, specify the width and the height in pixels.

5. Once ended, pass directly at the stage 7.


6/ Link: E-mail address 

(If it does not concern you, move directly to the next stage)

This type of link redirects to an e-mail address : 

1. Enter the e-mail address (@mail) towards you want to redirect the user. Example

2. If needed, give a title to your link.


7/ Active Link


1. The properties of your link are thus defined, then the link becomes active. To verify it, one or several words that you had selected in stage 1. are now in red color.

2. To finish, save your link. Watch Tuto "Save a content"


3. After having saved, here is the aspect of your link when you are on the website page : Visual A. link in normal display, and Visual B. when we pass the mouse on the link.