Block "Quote" : Demo


1/ Create a "Quote"


1. To create a "Quote", stay in mode "Page". The "Page" mode  is selected by default in the left menu.

2. In the navigation tree, look for the page in which you want to add your content and click on it.

3. In the category "Main content" of your page, click on the "New Record" button . Click on the tab "Dynamic Content Elements" and select then "Quote". You reach the content properties screen and have to define it

 4. Verify that the "Quote" type is displayed..


2/ Define properties : "General" tab  


1. Insert your quotation or "Quote" into the field .

2. If needed, specify the name of the author of "Quote".     Author name

3. If needed, indicate the function of the author.     Author position


Example :  Watch Demo of block "Quote"


3/ Define properties : "Options" tab  


1. If necessary, choose the size of the text (from 0.1 to 2) for the quotation or "Quote". The value by default is 1. Be careful, you must use a point and not a comma for the decimal values.

2. To finish, save your content. Watch Tuto "Save a content"


4/ At any time, you can   


> Update your content 

>Hide   or Delete   your content