Quote in a News
1/ Create a "Quote in a News"
It is important to know that if you have to insert one or more "Quotes" in the text of your News, you will have to create several contents in the News.
The example below is composed of a text with 1 visual and 3 Quotes : To start, put yourself in "List" mode to create one or more "Quote(s)" in your News. First, insert the basic information of your News as you usually do. Watch Tuto "Press releases / News / Agenda / Awards..."
1. Then, in the "General" tab you will insert the part of your text that is from the beginning of your text to stop before the first "Quote".
If you have a picture before your first "Quote", as in our example, you can also insert it into the field "Content".
Below you can see the visible rendering online (2. is the first Quote) :
2. To add your first "Quote", click on the "Linked content (s) (After content details)"tab and then on the "Create new" button.
Then click on "Type" on the drop-down menu displaying "Text". Select "Quote" in the "Dynamic Content Elements" category. Then, you access to the content properties screen and that you have to define it.
2/ Define properties : "General" tab
1. Insert your quotation or "Quote" into the field.
2. If needed, specify the name of the author of "Quote". Author name
3. If needed, indicate the function of the author. Author position
Example : Watch Demo of "Quote" block
3/ Define properties : "Options" tab
1. If needed, choose the size of the text (from 0.1 to 2) for the quotation or "Quote". The value by default is 1. Be careful, you must use a point and not a comma for the decimal values.
2. To finish, save your content. Watch Tuto "Save a content"
4/ Define the others items (text, visual, quote...)
The rest of the elements need to be defined in the tab "Linked content (s) (After content details)" too :
2. Quote element already created
4. and 6. Quote Elements
3. and 5. Text Elements
You can see below the visible rendering online (2. 4. and 6. represent the Quotes) :
5/ At any moment, you can
> Update your content
>Hide or Delete your content