Press releases / News / Agenda / Awards...
1/ Create a new Content
1. Let's take example with "News", to create it go into "List" mode by clicking on the "List" button in the left menu. The process is the same to make a press release, awards or agenda.
2. Find the "News" folder (often in the "Storage" folder) and click on it.
3. In the "News" category, click on the "New record"button. You reach the content properties screen and have to define it.
2/ Define the properties "General"
On the tab "General" :
1. Select the language : Start with language by "Default" before adding the translations.
2. Choose the type of content.
3. Specify the title.
4. and 6. If necessary, add a Google title (title tag) : if this field is empty, the Google title will be the same as "Title" by default. It's the same for the Google Description (meta tag description) : if this field is empty, the Google description will be the same as "Summary".
5. Simplified URL : the URL is automatically defined from the Title but you have the possibility to edit it if necessary.
7. Specify the date.
8. A la Une : uncheck the box if you don't want to put the content forward on the homepage (box checked by default).
9. Insert your text "Résumé" (Summary), this one will be used for example to present your contents in the pages listing the contents of the same type or in Google.
10. Insert your text / visual(s). For more details on this part Watch Tuto "Creation of page"
3/ Define the properties "Medias"
On the "Media" tab, after downloading your visual(s) in the contents library : Watch Tuto "Upload Image"
1. Choose the visual of the content, it will appear in the content, and will represent it by default on the other pages.
2. If you want a separate visual to represent your news in Image summary (thumbnail), in header, in mobile version, or on social networks, call it from the dedicated entries. Watch Tuto "Choice of visuals for your content"
3. You can also import a PDF to attach it as a download to your content.
4. You can upload a Video (already existing in Typo3) into your content. Watch Tuto "Upload Video"
4/ Define the properties "Taxonomy"
On the "Taxonomy" tab :
1. Select on which website(s) your content will be displayed.
2. If necessary, add an Author from the Bios list (biographies). Watch Tuto "Add a Biography (author)"
3. Fill in the Keywords (Tags) that characterize your content to reference well the article and link it with other contents.
4. If needed, indicate a "Category" for your content.
5. To finish, save your composition. Watch Tuto "Save a content"
6. If you wish, once registered and closed, you can change the language of your content. Watch Tuto "Manage a translation"
5/ At any time, you can
> Update your content
> Consult the history versions of your content
> Hide , Delete
, Copy
or Cut
your content