Brand ressources


Advertising Guidelines Déclinée de la nouvelle charte de marque, elle est à appliquer uniquement pour la création des campagnes de publicité.

Brand Guidelines

The purpose of this style guide is to present and explain the fundamental principles and rules of the brand's new design territory. These principles apply to all brands that use the Societe Generale logo and all associated brands (built around our red and black square).

Social Media

The new brand guideline has been adapted for corporate templates (Linkedin & Twitter). These models have been reviewed in terms of mobile visibility, typo size, … compared to the first ones.

Musical Guidelines

We have developed a new musical identity through our partnership with the artist, Rone. A leading figure in electronic music, Rone has created a specific musical territory for Société Générale that is both dynamic and positive. His aim was to find a simple, inspiring and truly unique theme. Rone is a universal artist whose music crosses genres and conventions. His work is inspired by classical music and he has performed at the Philharmonie de Paris.


Avec cette charte vidéo, nous avons l'ambition de créer un cadre commun s'agissant des films produits pour les clients internes et externes du groupe Société Générale. Cette charte constitue une trousse à outils dans laquelle les différents intervenants et prestataires pourront trouver les ressources nécessaires à leur projet.