Upload a video in a Typo 3 post


1/ Add a video


1. To add a video, choose the mode "List" by clicking the "List" button  in the main menu to the left.

2. Look for the folder "Videos"  (often in the folder "Stockage") and click on it.

3. In the list "Video", click on the "New record"button. You reach the content properties screen and have to define it



2/ Define the properties


1. Select the language: Begin with language by "Default" before adding the translations.

2. If necessary, check the box "Hide" to hide the content.

3. Specify the title of the content.

4. and 6. If necessary, add a Google title (balise title): if this field is empty, the Google title will be by default the same as "Video title". It is the same concept for the Google Description (balise meta description) : if this field is empty, the Google description will be the same as "Description".

5. Url simplified : the URL is automatically defined from the Title but you can modify it if necessary.


7. Choose a category for your content.

8. If necessary, add an Author from the list of Bios.Watch Tuto "Add a Biography (author)"

9. Insert your text "Description", it will be used for example to present your content in pages listing the content with the same type or in Google.

10. Inform the Keywords (Tags) characterizing your content to reference well the article and connect it with others content.


11. Select on which website(s) your content will be broadcast.

12. File SD (MP4/H264) : Import your content in Standard Definition (SD) with H264 format in .mp4.

13. File SD (url extern) : Link (Youtube, dailymotion...)

14. File HD (MP4/H264) : Import your content in High Definition (HD) with H264 format in .mp4 .

15. File HD (url externe) : Link (Youtube, dailymotion...)

16. File caption (sous titre) : Add subtitles file to your content.


17. Transcript. ??????????


After having downloaded your picture(s) in the library of contents : Watch Tuto «Upload Image»

18. Choose the visual for the content (Cover preview), this will be appear in the content, and by default on the other pages.

19. If you want a different visual to represent your video on the social networks, call it from the dedicated entrance. Watch Tuto "Choice of visuals for a content"


20. Inform the "Embed" of your content (Code embedded Youtube/Dailymotion).  ?????????

21. Chapters: Add chapters to your video. 

22. To finish, save your content. Watch Tuto "Save a content"

23. If you want, once recorded and closed, you can add translations to your content. Watch Tuto "Manage a translation (News)"



3/ At any time, you can


> Update a content 

> Consult the history versions of your content 

> Hide  , Delete  , Copy  or Cut   your content